Fundamentals of Communication Systems
作者: John G. Proakis / Masoud Salehi
出版社: Prentice Hall
出版年: 2004-12-12
页数: 880
定价: USD 160.00
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780131471351

内容简介  · · · · · ·

For a one/two-semester senior or first-year graduate level course in analog and digital communications. This text is also a suitable reference for electrical engineers for all basic relevant topics in digital communication system design. With an emphasis on digital communications, Communication Systems Engineering, introduces the basic principles underlying the analysis and des...


For a one/two-semester senior or first-year graduate level course in analog and digital communications. This text is also a suitable reference for electrical engineers for all basic relevant topics in digital communication system design. With an emphasis on digital communications, Communication Systems Engineering, introduces the basic principles underlying the analysis and design of communication systems. In addition, this text gives a solid introduction to analog communications and a review of important mathematical foundation topics.

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